5 Book Hacks You Need & the books to read first

Ever wondered what lurks within my text messages?

Surprisingly average stuff, with one exception...

The exchanges with my circle of successful entrepreneurs and investor friends.

Those? Well, they're a tad different.


Because they're jam-packed with highlights and quotes from the latest books we're devouring.

We're big on trading book wisdom because, alongside our ventures in buy-and-hold real estate, books offer one of the highest returns on investment.

And since expanding your bookshelf means expanding your financial intelligence, we're here to share five hacks to blitz through your reading list:

  1. Speed Reading Techniques: Train your eyes to move quickly across lines of text without losing comprehension. Practice scanning paragraphs rather than focusing on every word.

  2. Utilize Audiobooks: Listen to audiobooks during idle times like commuting, exercising, or doing chores. It's a fantastic way to squeeze in reading when you're on the go.

  3. Prioritize: Identify the most valuable sections of a book and focus on those. Skim through less crucial parts or chapters that don't align with your interests or goals.

  4. Take Notes: Jot down key points, quotes, and ideas as you read. This not only helps with retention but also allows for easy reference later on.

  5. Set Targets: Establish a reading goal for yourself, whether it's a certain number of books per month or dedicating a specific amount of time each day to reading. Having a target keeps you accountable and motivated.

Now, let's dive into some must-reads for both real estate aficionados and those aiming for a mindset makeover:

  1. "Rich Dad Poor Dad" by Robert T. Kiyosaki: A classic in financial education, this book challenges conventional wisdom about money and introduces the concept of financial independence through investing.

  2. "The Millionaire Real Estate Investor" by Gary Keller: Offering practical advice and insights from successful investors, this book provides a roadmap for building wealth through real estate.

  3. "The 4-Hour Workweek" by Timothy Ferriss: While not solely focused on real estate, Ferriss's book revolutionizes the way we think about work and lifestyle design, offering valuable lessons for aspiring investors.

  4. "Think and Grow Rich" by Napoleon Hill: A timeless classic in personal development, this book explores the mindset and principles behind achieving success and wealth.

  5. "The Book on Rental Property Investing" by Brandon Turner: Ideal for beginners, this book covers everything from finding, financing, and managing rental properties, making it a comprehensive guide for aspiring real estate investors.

These books have been instrumental in shaping my journey, and I'm confident they'll provide you with invaluable insights as well.

Hopefully someday you will see my own book on this list. Yes, that is a goal that I plan on fulfilling. And you, my friend, will be the first to get notice when its done.

And for my female friends… I am always in your corner, championing your successes.

Here are 2 more books you must read!

"Rich AF: The Winning Money Mindset That Will Change Your Life” Rich AF will equip you with the tools and knowledge to not only understand the financial landscape, but to build a financial strategy of your own.

Here's to unlocking the wealth of knowledge hidden within the pages!

Keep me posted on your success’s Email me! And let’s chat soon!

xo, Melissa

FYI: Before you embark on your literary journey through the links provided, here's a little heads-up: Some of the links featured in this email may earn me a tiny affiliate commission if you make a purchase through them. And when I say tiny, I mean it's like finding a penny on the sidewalk—hardly worth breaking out the champagne for.

So, while I appreciate your support through these links, rest assured, no one's striking it rich off book commissions here. It's all about sharing knowledge and insights to help you thrive in your real estate and mindset endeavors. Happy reading, and may your adventures in the world of books be as enriching as they are enjoyable!


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