What Type of Investor Do You Want To Be?

Dreaming of financial freedom through real estate? Then you're likely facing a key question: Do you want to be an active or passive investor?

Each path offers unique rewards and challenges, and understanding your personality and lifestyle preferences is crucial for choosing the right one. So, grab your metaphorical real estate hat and let's explore the active and passive sides of the investing world!

The Active Investor:

Think: Fixer-upper flipper, Brrrr maestro, property management pro.

Description: The active investor loves getting their hands dirty. They spend time researching markets, hunting for diamonds in the rough, managing renovations, and finding tenants. Think late nights picking out paint colors and weekends overseeing construction crews.


  • Higher potential returns: By doing the work yourself, you have more control over costs and potentially earn higher profits.

  • Greater learning and experience: Active involvement deepens your understanding of the entire real estate process, making you a savvier investor.

  • Sense of accomplishment: Witnessing a fixer-upper transformed into a profitable rental brings immense satisfaction.


  • Time commitment: Active investing demands significant time and effort, potentially affecting your work-life balance.

  • Higher stress: Dealing with contractors, unexpected repairs, and tenant issues can be stressful.

  • Knowledge and skills required: You need DIY skills, renovation expertise, and property management knowledge.

The Passive Investor:

Think: Hands-off, cash-flow focused, team-driven investor.

Description: The passive investor entrusts a team of professionals to handle everything from property selection to renovations and tenant management. They focus on finding the right opportunities and providing the capital, enjoying the benefits without the day-to-day hassles.


  • Time freedom: More time for your personal life and other pursuits.

  • Less stress: Minimize headaches and enjoy the peace of mind knowing professionals handle the details.

  • Lower barrier to entry: No need for DIY skills or renovation expertise.


  • Lower potential returns: Fees paid to the team eat into your profits, leading to potentially lower returns.

  • Less control: Relying on others means less control over the investment process and property decisions.

  • Finding trustworthy partners: Identifying and vetting reliable professionals is crucial.

So, which investor are you?

Choosing the right path depends on your personality, time constraints, risk tolerance, and financial goals.

  • If you thrive on challenges, enjoy hands-on work, and have the time to dedicate, active investing might be your calling.

  • If you value time freedom, prioritize stress reduction, and have the capital to invest in a team, the passive route might be ideal.

Remember, there's no right or wrong answer! Choose the path that aligns best with your unique circumstances and sets you on your path to real estate success.

Ready to start your real estate journey? Whether you choose the active or passive path, remember to do your research, network with experienced investors, and stay informed about the market. With dedication and the right approach, you can build a real estate portfolio that fuels your financial freedom! Learn more HERE


How I helped my own son buy his first rental property at 18…..


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